Friday 24 April 2009

C’est ici, Kingly Court, off Carnaby Street, W1B 5PW

If you’re one of those who regularly go down Oxford Street, just along the main street where the shops are, you’re missing out on a fabulous little square full of wonderful little shops. I say wonderful because one of them sells cheap Chinese food, and the other one sells ridiculously expensive cupcakes.

This place is called Kingly Court, just off Carnaby Street. The Chinese restaurant I was referring to is Cha Cha Moon (no longer as cheap as before, oh how standards have gone up), and the cake shop is C’est ici.


I initially walked right by the shop, despite the bright decor as the blue neon lights of Cha Cha Moon were ahead. Thing is, I have a tendancy to look at what other people are eating (I’m sure most people do that) so as I was glancing at the tables on the way to Cha Cha Moon, I saw lots of tables with little cupcakes, complete with icing and all.

One quick detour and here I was at the cake shop, source of delight that it is.


With a display of cakes bright enough to light up Blackpool beach, I had to take some pictures. Initially, I stepped hesitantly into the shop, unsure if my £2 worth of spare change was enough to buy anything from there. My first thought was to take as many pictures of cupcakes before being asked to leave, but as I snapped away, no one seemed too bothered so I went all out, taking pictures of individual cupcakes.


This should explain why I have so many pictures of them below, and no description of what they taste like.


Nope, don’t know how this one tastes.

Still not interested in buying one?



OK, could perhaps be persuaded.


Hmm definitely could be persuaded into buying one.


You want cupcakes?


Those look almost good enough to make me consider buying something. But not enough to make me actually buy anything.


3 macaroons for £2.50. Or how about a cupcake?



You can tell how food blogging and being a cheapskate doesn’t really go hand in hand. Which is why imagination is so important. When you don’t buy or taste the food, just imagine what it’d taste like. Use the power of smell.


Or just give in and buy the cupcake.

How did it taste like? Well, nothing like the one from Hummingbird, as that was one lovely cupcake, actually topped off with butter icing.

This cupcake was pretty much a blueberry muffin, topped off with sugar icing. Was it worth all the deliberation and the £3?

Nope, don’t reckon it was.

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  1. Oh, I know exactly how you feel. And £3 for a cupcake?! That's quite expensive!

  2. Hi Su-Lin, it looks really nice but for £3, not so much! Thanks for commenting, it's nice to know that there are repeat visitors here :)

  3. 3GBP ~= CAD $5... At that price, it better be EXTREMELY good! However, based on your description, it seems it was more looks than anything else...
