Monday 12 July 2010

New York New York was so amazing I wanna go back on holiday Part 1

New York -

We were in New York in May, and boy oh boy was it amazing. It was like being in a movie set – a really, really, large (and very warm) movie set with lots of food all round. With calorie information everywhere also, not so good.

New York - Times Square

Being in Times Square was so surreal that it took me a while to actually realise I was in the middle of all those lights. It made Piccadilly Circus look like a poorly-funded advertising billboard. Here I am trying to cut down on greenhouse gases by using those low-energy light bulbs, but hey, it’s all OK. Who doesn’t need 30 billboards with moving pictures. Who, I ask you.

New York 3

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves (because I’m quite full after dinner and don’t feel like speaking much). Just had a lot of pasta bake, a story for another day.

New York - Hot dog vendor

Hot dog vendor. These stalls were everywhere, and they sold pretty much the same things. Wanted to try out the kebab meat with rice, but only managed to try the hot dog and salted pretzels.

New York - Pretzels

These look good, but didn’t taste that great. They were really large and doughy (OK, maybe this was obvious to everyone, but I kinda thought it would be … nicer), and while the bits of crunchy salt were nice, it was also slightly weird to be eating something which tasted of NOTHING, and then lots of salt.

New York - Hot dog

Watching Sex and The City (and numerous other New York based films) made me wanna try these hot dogs out. Would they be as nice as the Ikea ones, I wondered.

No, they weren’t. The sausage were kinda mushy, and the tomatoey thing on top of the sausage (some kinda ketchup onion thing) just didn’t do it for us. At US$3 a hot dog, could’ve spent it on something nicer.

New York -New York - Calorie count

See what I mean about those calories?

New York

390 calories for only ONE DOLLAR?!?!? Sold. In fact, sold every day, as the poster suggests.

New York - Sailors

Sailors and soldiers were everywhere the weekend we were there.

New York - Times Square

Our first day view of Times Square. Big signboards, lots of lights, colour, warm heat coming from the ground, and the smell of excitement, fun and surrealism in the air.

New York 5

New York - Taxi

Just like in the movies!

New York - Dollar

And because the dollar bills looked so much like the other bills (ie five dollars, ten dollars) we took so long to come up with any change at all when paying. Guess you get used to it after a while? Some people say they do have subtle differences, guess we weren’t there long enough to familiarise ourselves with it.

New York - Love me sign post

Insecure trash bins – prevalent in this competitive new society.

New York

Yellow school buses in Chinatown, waiting outside a school.

New York

Chinatown in New York – full of interesting sights, sounds, and mostly smells – but just on a much larger scale than the one in London. 

New York

Somewhere underneath Brooklyn Bridge, near the Subway.

New York

New York

$1 for a burger, but HOW MUCH for parking?!?!?

New York

And then we saw the Empire State Building, which, from the ground, took a lot of neck craning. Because there are so many tall buildings in the city, it was really hard trying to figure out if the day was just cloudy, or if we were standing underneath another tall building blocking out the sun. This building though, was incredibly tall and incredibly beautiful.

New York

From the top of the building.

New York

New York

New York

New York

And to end this post, a view of Times Square at night.


  1. WOW You got The Spirit Of New York spot on ! Any watered down write on The Big Apple would not do any justice to the might and beauty of such a historic and powerful city. Then again, London is also famous and historic own its own, a survival of all events in history esp the bombings of world wars. The buidings stand strong, beautiful and clean, the city potrays a sense of steadiness,high values, peace and security.

  2. Oh I forgot to add, your pictures add to and bring out the dept and life of NY, its beauty, strength and power. Great job !

  3. hey,

    i love your pictures, it really captures alot of life and depth, i was sondering what camera you used to take these brilliant pictures. They are so sharp and clear!
    also were the streets safe? and do u think its a place worth moving in to?

  4. Hi, thanks for the nice comments! I use the Nikon D60, an entry level dSLR but rely heavily on good natural lighting!!! I love NY, but it depends what kind of lifestyle you like, to determine if you'd want to move there or not. From a tourist's point of view, it felt safe, though, with any other city, it's probably advised to avoid certain places I'm sure! Have a visit there during the warmer months, you might like it!!
