Wednesday 3 November 2010

M’sia – Pulau Perhentian

When we were in Malaysia, the fiance and I decided to spend a couple of days in Pulau Perhentian, which is located on the east coast of the peninsular. While we’d been to Pulau Redang before (40 minutes away from Perhentian), some of our friends were saying that it was getting too commercialised, and that it wasn’t as good as before so we thought, why not try someplace new. While Perhentian isn’t exactly untouched territory, it’s pretty good for a start.

(Lots and lots of pictures – similar pictures – to come, but since I don’t usually post scenic views here, it’s not really that many if you consider it in terms of average per post kinda thing)

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

There isn’t much structure to the way in which the pictures are organised, so I’ll do my best and tell the story as the pics come along. Sound good? OK.

This was a boat we saw on the way from the jeti to the resort. I’ve seen quite a few fishing boats before, but none which look as colourful and highly-stacked as this one.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The view from where I was sitting on the speedboat to the resort. There were dolphins near the front apparently, but of course I missed that, being in the middle looking out to the back of the boat and all that.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Something else I saw while missing out on the dolphins.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

And then when everyone had had enough of the dolphins, I took a little stroll to the front, saw no dolphins, but continued to perch on the front looking into the boat. Kinda for dramatic effect or something.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Here’s another picture I took for effect while I was at the front of the boat. It’s not too often I bring the camera out to sea, so while I had it there, I was going to take as many pictures as I could.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The boat transported not just us holidaymakers, but also some eggs and what looked like a lot of fruits. Someone said they also took rubbish back from the island onto mainland.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

After about 40 minutes on the boat, we neared the island. This was what we saw from the boat as we were approaching Tuna Bay Resort – one of the best resorts on the big island – although that’s not implying that it’s five stars or anything.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Dudes waiting to pull the boat in.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

While I went slightly nuts snapping about 50 pictures before we even stepped onto the island, it turned out to be a good thing as we didn’t have sunlight like this for the next 3 days while we were there. It didn’t quite rain continuously either, but the skies were kinda grey and so, not the greatest for photo-taking.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Don’t actually have much to say about these pictures, but because I like them, I’ve posted them here.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The water taxi which took tourists either around the Besar island from one resort to another, to the tourist spots, and also from the Besar island to the Kecil island, which seemed to be the party-island where most of the backpackers go to, apparently.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

This was the boat that took us from mainland to the island.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Water taxi prices.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The boat which took scuba divers out to sea. We didn’t go on this one as we only went snorkelling.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Another one.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The resort workers taking our luggage (joke) from the boat to the resort.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The deck chairs where we spent quite a lot of our time, mainly snoozing.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

This was what the chalets looked like – not quite out chalet but as ours was next to a construction site, I decided this one looked better.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Snooze …

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Seriously, how can you not wanna snooze when you have the heat, this view, and not much else to do?

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

On the first day there, our lunch which came as part of the package deal was some sort of cheese baked pasta. Surprisingly nice, though it was slightly weird how no one told us what we were having, but just kinda nodded at us as we sat down, said the food was coming soon, and then it was there on the table. I know we didn’t have much choice as to what we were having, but they could have at least told us what it was surely?

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The next day, we had a buffet breakfast at the same place, and that was quite tasty also.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

No matter where you are, even if you’re on a secluded island in the middle of the South China Sea, there is always … baked beans on toast.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Boots buy one get one free. Not the sunglasses.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

The weather was kinda grey after the first day.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

Pancakes and sausages on the second day.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

We then went to feed some fishies by the pier. They go nuts for mushroom buns.

M'sia - Pulau Perhentian

It was an amazing trip, despite not having much to do (and no TV). We went snorkelling (first day snorkelling was interesting, with us mainly trying to keep afloat and not go towards the huge rock covered with barnacles), we went kayaking (work those shoulders) and had nice walks by the beach. Saw lots of fish, really enjoyed ourselves, and would really recommend anyone to go there for a long weekend.


  1. I noticed you've gone from "the bf" to "the fiance" - congratulations!
    Reading your blog is like reading a filthy novel for me, I live in Japan and although Japanese food is, in fact, amazing, after a while you start to feel like you would punch your own mother in the eye for some fish and chips and a night out in London! And you may be able to get beans on toast in the South China sea, but I have to order beans off the internet! It's a tough life!

    Anyway I love reading your blog, and congratulations again!

  2. Hi Sarah Jayne,
    Firstly, thanks for your comment, it's really nice to receive comments from readers, especially those I didn't know I had! The bf has actually been the fiance for a while now, but I use the terms interchangeably every now and then, but thanks for the well wishes anyway! Since you live in Japan, do you read the blog Blue Lotus? It's one on my fav links as I really like Japanese food, but like you said, it's always the case where the food is greener on the other side and all that. Baked beans on the internet huh, well, maybe there's a business in that ... what's next - scampi fries, discos, monster munch, pickled gherkins, and sausage butties? Online shop coming up soon.
