Thursday 10 November 2011

Full Stop Bar, 202 Brick Lane, E1 6SA London

Twitter @fullstopbar if you're that way inclined.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

So while the husband and I are exploring the lifestyle of the unemployed - waking at noon, breakfast at lunch, and going out at rush hour (6pm), having lunch at dinner, you know the drill - we've also been diligently trying to get through our London List. This is the list of things we should have done perhaps four years ago when we first moved to London, but because of the lack of time, energy and commitment, somehow they've just gone off the radar.

Not anymore, though. The list is now back in action and we're working our way through it.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

After forcing ourselves out of the flat around 1pm, we decided to make our way towards Brick Lane.

A bit of background here, if you may. My husband used to go to Pete's cafe everyday while it was located at Church Street Market near Marylebone (when it was called Indie Coffee). This is the same husband who, until about 5 months ago, hated coffee like I hate commuter crowds. He didn't like the smell of the beans, the taste of the liquid, and pretty much hated anything to do with coffee. Then, succumbing perhaps to some peer pressure (busy people having busy coffee), he decided to try a bit of the wonderful stuff. It wasn't love at first gulp, and after a few persistent months of Flat Whites, he got hooked.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

He began to like coffee, and most of all, grew to enjoy the little chats he had with the guy who ran the stall. So, it was without question that when this guy then opened up his new coffee shop in Brick Lane, that we'd go check it out before we left London.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

Full Stop Bar is the shop in question - located on Brick Lane, handily opposite the road from the famous Brick Lane Beigel Bake (a place which would've made me very fat had I worked / lived / commuted past it on a daily basis).

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

The outside of the shop still says Antiques on the board, so you could easily walk past it thinking the chairs and tables by the window were for sale. They're probably not. What they were, though, however, were very comfy places for us to perch our bums on while we had our excellent coffee and more than excellent brownie (more on that later).

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

I ordered a White Americano as I just couldn't justify having that much milk so early on in the day (my daily Starbucks Soy Latte was calling for me). While it was smooth and definitely one of the best Americanos I've had, it was no match for the ...

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

... Flat White.

This is by far one of the nicest Flat Whites in London. We've been to quite a few coffee places in London, but this stands out from the rest. Guess it helps that we like the guy who makes it, too, but that aside, Full Stop Bar actually has comfy chairs for us to sit in. The other places we've been to in London have usually been the type of crowded, small and cramped places where you'd have to scoot by in a certain sideway fashion to get to your seat, while then balancing your cuppa on the WiFi-enabled laptop that came as an accessory.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

Helps too that their brownies are softchewilicious. Crumbawumba. Chockawocka. Get your hands off it.

Full Stop Bar, Brick Lane

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